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Seamless Ostendo Integration for B2B and B2C Webstores


What is Ostendo Integration?

Ostendo Integration refers to the process of seamlessly connecting Ostendo, a comprehensive business management software, with other systems or applications within a company's IT infrastructure. This integration enhances operational efficiency and productivity by facilitating the smooth flow of data and communication between different parts of the organisation. 


By integrating Ostendo with other software or systems, businesses can streamline various processes such as inventory management, sales, purchasing, manufacturing, and financials, leading to improved overall performance and effectiveness.



Unlock Your Business's Growth Potential with Web Ninja's Ostendo Integration

Connecting your B2B or B2C shopping cart with Ostendo through Web Ninja improves your sales approach. This smooth link helps you serve both wholesale and retail customers better by offering personalized pricing and promotions. With real-time syncing, Web Ninja ensures precise data and dependable performance, helping your business thrive online.



How Web Ninja Ostendo eCommerce Integration Works?




Web Ninja Ostendo eCommerce Integration streamlines online sales by directly connecting your eCommerce platform to Ostendo. It synchronises product details, inventory, orders, and customer data in real-time, automating order processing and inventory management. This integration ensures accurate stock levels, enables personalised marketing, and simplifies financial tracking, enhancing overall efficiency in managing online sales operations.



Standard Features for Ostendo Data Integration

Colour/size integration

Free/Physical/Total stock

Stock locations


Categories by stock group or extra fields

Minimum/Multiple order enforcement

Custom/Extra field mapping

Use images if available

Link PDF brochures and MSDS sheets to products

Minimum order quantities per product

Sales orders linked back to debtors

Consignment/freight tracking email automation

Customer upload

Stop credits

Payment terms

Sales Rep login/order on behalf

Quick pick order list based on last 90 days


Credit notes


Invoice payments

PO delivery dates on incoming stock

Full pricing policy integration including quantity breaks



Custom Options for Ostendo ERP Data Integration

Enhance your user experience with these advanced custom options.  

Advanced shipping (freight zones by cubic/pallet)

Customer permissions 

Quote module

Notify customers when products back in stock

Stockist lookup page

* Custom options will incur additional fees and will be priced on case-by-case basis.



Why Choose Web Ninja Ostendo ERP System Integration?

Opting for Web Ninja for Ostendo ERP system integration offers a range of advantages. Firstly, Web Ninja specialises in seamlessly integrating your eCommerce platform with Ostendo, ensuring a smooth and efficient process. 


This integration boosts efficiency by automating data synchronisation between your eCommerce platform and Ostendo, reducing manual errors and saving valuable time. Additionally, you benefit from real-time updates on inventory levels, orders, and customer data, enabling better decision-making and improved customer service. 


With Web Ninja, customisation options are available to tailor the integration to your specific business requirements, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your operations. Overall, choosing Web Ninja for Ostendo ERP system integration provides enhanced visibility, control, and management of your business processes, contributing to overall operational excellence.



Frequently Asked Questions about Web Ninja Ostendo ERP Software Integration


How does Web Ninja Ostendo Integration benefit businesses?

Integrating Ostendo with Web Ninja enhances operational efficiency and productivity by centralising and automating critical business processes. It enables businesses to optimise their sales strategies by efficiently serving both wholesale and retail customers with customised pricing and promotions. Real-time synchronisation ensures accuracy and reliability, empowering businesses for growth in the digital landscape.


Is Web Ninja Ostendo Integration suitable for both B2B and B2C businesses?

Yes, Web Ninja Ostendo Integration caters to both B2B and B2C businesses by seamlessly connecting their shopping carts with Ostendo. This integration enables businesses to efficiently manage sales operations for both wholesale and retail customers, offering tailored pricing and promotions to meet the diverse needs of their clientele.


What is the process involved in implementing Web Ninja Ostendo Integration?

The implementation process for Web Ninja Ostendo Integration typically involves initial consultation and assessment of business requirements, followed by system configuration, data migration (if required), integration setup, testing, and deployment. Web Ninja's experienced team guides businesses through each step, ensuring a smooth and efficient integration process.



Ready to make the leap?

Contact us now to get started on your eCommerce transformation!


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